Thursday, August 4, 2011

How Much Coffee Is Too Much and Other Health Benefits of Coffee

If you like to drink one or two cups of coffee every day, you should know that it’s not only delicious but also good for you. Health benefits of drinking coffee are multiple, if you do it in moderation. One or two cups every day is the quantity that allows you to enjoy the health benefits of drinking coffee without experiencing the nasty effects of caffeine addiction.

Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants, which are good for your body and protect you against the pollution and the toxins from the environment. If you have low blood pressure, coffee helps you adjust it in a natural way without using drugs. Coffee can help you treat your addiction to sweets, sodas, and energy dinks. You have the impulse to eat and drink sweet stuff especially when you are tired and you lose energy. You can control this unhealthy habit by drinking a cup of good-quality unsweetened coffee with just a drop of milk. You can add a fruit to the coffee, and the healthy, nutritious combination will keep you up and running through the day.

You should know that a cup of coffee is better than an energy drink for your health. Energy drinks have a lot of chemicals, colorants, preservatives, sweeteners and a small percentage of caffeine. Coffee contains natural caffeine and has hundreds of other compounds that are healthy for your body.

Scientists have already identified a lot of very specific health benefits of drinking coffee. Drinking one or two cups of coffee every day reduces the risk for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson disease, and gallstone disease. Even more, coffee is associated with reduced risk of cancer – oral, esophageal and prostate cancer. Also, coffee enhances the effect of analgesics and protects your liver. If you are suffering from constipation, one cup of coffee in the morning will do wonders for you.

Coffee is a healthy way to help you wake up in the morning and to keep you functioning properly during the day. However, you shouldn’t overdo your coffee intake. Two cups a day is considered moderate consumption of coffee. With this amount, you will enjoy only the health benefits of drinking coffee and not the downsides. If you regularly drink more then two cups of coffee per day, it might cause you problems, like dehydration and insomnia.

People suffering from high blood pressure should talk to their physician about the coffee consumption. Some drugs used to treat high blood pressure don’t work properly if you associate them with coffee. But, if you want to enjoy the delicious taste of fresh made coffee in the morning, you can have the decaffeinated version. Decaf coffee still contains antioxidants and other healthy compounds, but almost all caffeine is removed. So, you can have decaf without worrying about its effects on your blood pressure.

When picking coffee, make sure you get the real stuff and not instant coffee. A lot of instant coffee brands add more than coffee to their products. You should try to stick with coffee beans that you grind up yourself. This way, the coffee will keep the natural flavor for a longer period of time.

Jamie Highland writes about events and parties, like weddings and baby showers, and is a coffee fanatic. To check out some baby shower coffee, visit My Baby Shower Favors. If you want more articles, visit our site and click on the Contact Us link.

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