Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Choose a Baby Shower Theme

The baby shower theme that you select will be determining for the decorations, activities and foods that you will have to purchase and organize. How can you pick the best theme, making everybody happy and letting guests have real fun?

When picking a theme, you can rely on your imagination. Your options are boundless. It can be something cute or related to having a baby. It can be the dad’s favorite sport or the activities that the mom-to-be enjoys. Whatever you choose, make sure that you have the right reasoning and motivation for the decision.

Do You Really Need a Theme?
Before making any other choices, think if you really need a theme. You can certainly have fun scheduling a themeless party.

The theme can either help you or hinder your baby shower organization efforts. It can obstruct you in certain ways but it will also give you a chance to select relevant foods, decorations and favors.

Whichever option you choose, you can meet success. The baby shower is something wonderful, an occasion to celebrate with close friends and relatives. To determine if a baby shower is needed, take the following in consideration.

The Preferences of the Mom-To-Be
The person who should have the final say when it comes to the baby shower theme is the mom-to-be.

Ask her if she approves and likes your ideas. Limit it down to several options and present all of them to her. The mom-to-be could give you some fresh and original perspective that you have not really though of.

Time of the Year and Venue
Take into consideration the time of the year and the venue before you choose the baby shower theme. Certain themes are excellent for indoor parties while others are good if you are holding the baby shower in a garden.

The venue is another determining factor, as well. The size of the room and the facilities you can make use of will all play a role. A winter-themed baby shower will be inappropriate for a garden tea party.

Baby Gender and Occupations of the Parents
You can also select a theme on the basis of the gender of the baby. Some themes will be best for a baby girl while others are appropriate if the mom-to-be is expecting a baby boy.

Another way to go is selecting the occupations or hobbies of the future parents as theme setters. Decide whether the gathering will be all female or whether couples will be invited. Some themes that are certain to entertain ladies will probably get their partners bored.

Go Out of the Box
If you have a creative and unusual theme idea, you should go ahead and implement it. There is nothing wrong with digressing away from traditions and choosing something atypical.

Consult the mom-to-be and present her with your idea. Dedicate the baby shower to a favorite cartoon character, to love or to flowers. Anything that you consider appropriate can be carried out in a beautiful and impressive manner.

Evaluate your options. Think of the advantages of each theme. Some will let you have a diversified buffet while other themes can help you decorate the venue in the most outstanding way. The pros and cons of each option should give you hints whether it is the right one for you.

Jamie Highland writes about various family and baby topics. For more baby shower theme ideas or to see some baby shower games, visit My Baby Shower Favors. If you want more articles, visit My Baby Shower Favors and click on the Contact Us link.

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