Thursday, July 28, 2011

Practical and Fun Baby Shower Games

If you organize a baby shower, you also need to find some creative ways to entertain the guests. Dancing is not really an option for baby showers, so you need to come up with something different. Games are a great, funny way for guests and the mom-to-be to enjoy the baby shower. You can either buy personalized playing cards for the baby shower or you can simply come up with some games that don’t need any kind of accessories. Here are some ideas about all the fun games the guests can enjoy during a baby shower.

A great game idea is to ask all the guests to write on a piece of paper the name they think the parents should give to the baby and to argument their option. If someone guesses the name or even better, gives a new idea for a cool name to the parents, he or she should receive a prize.

A bingo game is always fun, isn’t it? And, if the bingo cards are themed for a baby shower, it’s even more exciting. You can have a prize for the winner, but you can give to this prize a funny twist. For example, the prize could be two hours baby-sitting whenever the mom needs, during the following 12 months.

You can also have some baby shower themed lottery tickets. You can sell them to the guests and the money will go to a “diaper trust fund” to help the parents, while the winner of the lottery can get a different prize. You can offer to the lottery winner a special prize, like the opportunity to be the first one from your circle of friends and relatives to visit the newborn.

Everyone loves betting. And betting on the day the baby will be born is a great game for a baby shower. The person who gets it right will have the honor to be the one who drives the newborn and the parents back from the hospital or receive some other prize.

You can order online packages with “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girls” playing cards and all the guests will enjoy the games. You can use the cards for any type of games you play with regular cards.

A very special activity for a baby shower would be to take photos of all the friends and relatives from the baby shower and ask them to write a short message for the mom-to-be and the newborn. You can print the pictures and the messages later, in the form of a touching memory book, and give it to the mother. She will certainly treasure the memory book for years to come.

Of course, there are many more ideas about baby shower games: themed scratch off tickets with prizes or baby trivia card deck with questions related to pregnancy and babies. You can even make a contest: who gives to the mom the best tips related to taking care of newborns? Of course, the judge would be the mom, and the winner can receive a diploma certifying he or she knows a lot about taking care of babies.

A very fun idea is to bet on how much the baby will weight when he or she will be born. Of course, it will be a while before you find out who won the contest, but it’s a very entertaining game for a baby shower party.

Jamie Highland writes about events and parties, like weddings and baby showers. To check out some more baby shower games or to shop for some baby shower gifts, visit My Baby Shower Favors.

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