Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baby shower planning tips – 3 ways to decorate

When you’re planning a baby shower for a friend or family member, decorating the place is one of the most important aspects of the whole party.

Your main goal is to make the mom-to-be as happy and comfortable as possible. Don’t wait with the baby shower until the last weeks of the pregnancy, because the future mom will be uncomfortable and tired and she won’t enjoy the baby shower, as she should. Talk to her and choose the right date for the baby shower, the guests list and the menu. She is the celebrated person there – everything has to be perfect for her. Don’t try to organize a surprise baby shower unless you are completely sure that the mom-to-be will appreciate your gesture and you know everything there is to know about her preferences. So, once you settle on all these things, it’s time to think about decorations.

First, you should pick a theme. The theme can be almost anything, but try to find something significant for the mom-to-be. For example, if she particularly loves a certain actor, dress-style, cartoon character, music or anything else, build all decorations around that theme. What you need to keep in mind is that you organize the baby shower to celebrate the mom, so you don’t have to pick the kind of decorations you would choose for a children’s party, for example. Since you are organizing the shower party, your certainly know a lot about the mom, so come up with something special and original. You can get as creative as you want: if the mom-to–be dreams about a holiday in Hawaii, organize a Hawaiian party. If she loves being in the nature, make the party look like a picnic, with lots of wild flowers on the tables and rustic decorations.

Most people, when planning a baby shower, tend to pick all decorations with the baby gender in mind. So, most of those parties are either a pink explosion or a blue one. Isn’t that a little too much? Try to avoid such common decorations and predictable colors. Make a surprise for the mom-to-be and decorate the place with her favorite colors. If you don’t know her favorite colors, you still have a lot of options. Trendy colors for baby showers are green, orange, and light purple. So, you can trade the classic pink or blue for other colors, if you want to prepare an unconventional baby shower and original decorations.

Baby showers are all about pampering the mom-to-be. So, a great idea would be to organize the baby shower like a day to the spa. Get soft, white robes and fluffy slippers for all guests and allow them to change when they arrive to the party. Decorate the room with perfumed candles and flowers, put relaxing music and prepare some delicious snacks. Hire one or two massage therapists for all guests. This will be a baby shower every one will remember - the mother and all the guests. Of course, it’s not something you can set up in a restaurant, for 40 people. It’s the kind of intimate party you should organize in your own home, only for the closest friends and family.

Jamie Highland is an events planning writer. To check out some baby shower decorations and other baby shower supplies, be sure to visit My Baby Shower Favors.

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